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Is there anybody out there?

| Written by Altlaw

Is there anybody out there?

Once again London’s offices are empty since the latest lockdown measures. No thriving entrance lobbies, crammed lifts or the sound of tapping keyboards. The lunchtime hustle and bustle of workers heading out for sandwiches, street food or something more substantial has gone. The Friday evening mass exodus to the City’s bars and restaurants are all a longing memory and one of many that we all now realise we have taken for granted. Not a creature is stirring, not even a

Well not unless you look closer into the recesses of these offices. If you could return and search the corridors, dark windowless rooms, and dingy basements of the apparently empty offices, you can discover life. For in these far-flung domains beavering away, hide the few. Those who have been keeping everything ticking over, in order for everyone else to be able to look forward to a gradual return to the buzzing abode we all know and love.

They list among them; print room/general office staff, receptionists, building & maintenance engineers, security guards, cleaners and not forgetting the facilities/office managers who help co-ordinate them all. And not forgetting our fantastic production team here at Altlaw who have been working tirelessly and flexibly throughout the lockdowns to provide an excellent service to all our clients.

I have been in contact with many of these lonely souls over the last year and theirs can be a thankless task, constantly at the beck & call of home workers and providing a day-to-day service to help keep the office up and running. Whether, organising printing/scanning, ordering furniture and stationery to equip home offices, or arranging couriers to deliver important legal documents to lawyers/barristers and to their client’s homes. I have heard from those who have had requests to search for documents in chaotic filing systems and even boxing up dirty gym kits to dispatch to worker’s homes!

So, spare a thought for the staff currently working in our offices, who are doing too much now to simply revert to backroom staff once we all return. They’re ready for you all to come back to the office, so please take a moment to search them out and show a little appreciation for all they have done.

Here at Altlaw, we are still here to help you with all your document needs, so feel free to call 24/7 on 020 7490 1646 or alternatively, contact us here.