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How secure is my managed review? What confidentiality measures should be in place for Managed Reviews

| Written by Altlaw

As any Partner, Associate or Corporate Counsel is aware, client confidentiality is key to any litigation or investigation. All clients justifiably have concerns regarding confidentiality. One of the most important elements of confidentiality is that it helps to build and develop trust and allows for the free flow of information between all parties involved in a project. 

A breach of these processes can have catastrophic consequences for clients. Data breaches are often reported in the press whereby an individual has not followed the relevant data security processes and therefore has created a potential data breach. 


Confidentiality measures recommended for review

Any competent review company will have comprehensive processes in place regarding confidentiality around review projects. With reviewers on a project at times numbering 100 or more, it is vital that uniform NDAs are created and that the opportunity to breach these confidentiality terms is mitigated wherever possible. The Review Manager should create a project-specific NDA for each project which is signed, electronically stored and sent to the client for their records.

Unless specified by the client, a secure box that contains all reviewers’ mobile phones should be used. Internet access should be limited – but not forbidden. No data should leave the review room unless taken by the client, and access to printers should be very limited. 

It’s important to work with clients to establish a happy balance that neither interferes with work but keeps a pleasant working environment. For example, downtime space, refreshments and access to fully functioning kitchen will keep the reviewers refreshed and engaged. You want a space that balances security with an environment with which reviewers are happy and productive.