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How Aero Will Transform In-house Legal Operations: Guest Post

| Written by Altlaw
This article was originally written by Dylan Salisbury on May 13, 2020. Click here to see original blog post.

There is no shortage of pressure on today’s corporate legal teams. According to the 2019 CLOC State of the Industry survey, these teams areexperiencing a demand in services from many directions—and are still expected to be mindful about controlling costs and operating at peak efficiency.

Some teams are bringing more expertise in-house. Others are leveraging strategic partnerships to share the load. But everyone is looking for ways to simplify their day-to-day work, handle more complicated work with fewer roadblocks, and bring more predictability to their spend.

That’s where Aero UI comes in.

More Meets Less, Power Meets Simplicity

As a general trend, legal teams are now required to do work they haven’t traditionally done—and to be more efficient while they do it. With increasing responsibilities and ever-tighter budgets, something’s got to give.

In short, to keep up, corporate legal teams need an e-discovery solution that is simply powerful.

That’s the vision we have for Aero, the new UI coming to RelativityOne this year. But what does it mean for those teams who need more effective tech—tech that will grow with their workloads without bogging them down?

Power isn’t only about being the brawniest. That’s easy. True power is knowing how to apply just the right force in just the right way, achieving what you need to do as efficiently as possible. It’s about being strategic, thoughtful, and prudent in how you approach a challenge.

By bringing greater automation and simplicity to RelativityOne, we’re hoping to enable corporate teams to take on new and growing challenges—and ensure their efforts will satisfy stakeholders, without exhausting limited resources, with the flexibility to scale up in a flash should a matter blow up overnight.

With Aero, we’re delivering an unstructured data platform with lightspeed performance, automated workflows, and an intuitive user interface to empower all users—from the most novice reviewers to the seasoned masters—to discover the truth.

The Real Impact of Aero

What does this all mean for your in-house legal team?

Let’s start with the benefits. The goals we’re hearing from many of the in-house users in our community include spending less time on training, accelerating common workflows and tasks, and getting more done with fewer people.

Ultimately, it’s critical for you to devote less time and resources to your day-to-day work and focus more on the novel matters that will drive the organization’s, and the department’s, bottom line.

Aero sets out to help you achieve each of those priorities. Here’s how.


The work you do again and again, every day, should be simpler. It should move faster. With those rote activities out of the way, person-hours are better invested into gaining an understanding of the facts more quickly. Automated workflows in Aero help you more quickly achieve a clearer picture of any risk your organization faces in a particular matter, ensuring your team’s touchpoints are focused where they can have the most impact—so you’ll be better positioned to make the most informed decision possible.

Additionally, fewer opportunities for human error in a process mean fewer mistakes. By reducing the risk of accidents or oversights, workflow automation can help minimize associated downtime and costly rectification processes.

All of this means fewer headaches—and more predictability and dependability—for your legal department.


RelativityOne delivers an improved tab navigation experience, minimizing unnecessary clicks and decisions. With the customizable sidebar, this approach to navigation allows you to organize tabs and categories by specific user workflow.

With Aero, you can set up your navigation to match how your team works—not how most teams might work—highlighting the tabs and categories that are most important to your workflows. For example, creating categories of tabs in Aero can help you better tailor Relativity to specific use cases like investigations, document requests, and compliance workflows.

Cutting down the number of steps users need to take and removing clutter from the interface also reduces opportunities for confusion, especially among new users—resulting in fewer work slowdowns and an easier learning curve for new team members.

Of course, the bottom line of these navigation improvements is to save users time by making it easier for them to find what they need. A few seconds saved here and there may seem small, but they add up to substantial time savings and reduced mental strain on your team.


RelativityOne delivers what you need at lightspeed. Whether you’re flying doc-to-doc or moving across the platform, data should be available precisely when you need it.

With Aero, the platform is engineered to run even faster—so you can get your work done more quickly. It’s as simple as that.

In addition to overall time saved, this also helps users maintain concentration and focus. After all, every little work stoppage forces you to reset your concentration. Our goal is to help your team to stay in the zone, and firing on all cylinders, by reducing points of distraction.


A rearchitected viewer built with the “simply powerful” UX philosophy makes reviewing and acting on documents easier and faster than ever—critical factors for in-house teams who are looking to drive efficiencies.

This is yet another step toward increased productivity, but it goes further than that: empowering your team to take on more—and more complex—matters by harnessing the potential of the platform with updated API coverage.

The flexibility and extensibility of our APIs allow you to tackle all kinds of use cases, from unique workflows your team has spent years perfecting to a new challenge that you haven’t even imagined yet. Having the extensibility to adapt to whatever needs are on the horizon—with help always available from our wide network of development partners, if you need it—provides the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’ve invested in a platform that can evolve as quickly as you.


RelativityOne shouldn’t feel intimidating. Though the platform can do many things, it isn’t only useful for seasoned e-discovery experts. Aero is making big strides toward helping it feel more approachable.

The modernized user interface and easier to understand pages will help users with varying degrees of Relativity familiarity instantly feel confident in RelativityOne, improving overall speed and confidence in decision making.

That includes brand new users. By presenting a more universal, familiar, and approachable interface, novice users are better able to intuit workflows and feel more confident, reducing the amount of time it takes to get new team members up and running.

Modern aesthetics offer a user interface that reflects the technologies people use in their everyday lives, delivering a more standardized approach to actions and decisions that comes more naturally to today’s teams.

What’s Next

Aero will hit general availability in RelativityOne late this summer. Keep an eye on The Relativity Blog for updates until then, and check out this webinar recording to get a look at what we’ve discussed here. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

We can’t wait to share more with you in the coming months. Stay tuned.