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Cheaper isn’t Always Better!

| Written by Altlaw

Print Case Study: Cheaper Isn't Always Better

Our print team at Altlaw were asked by a law firm to quote to print a very large, (1,500,000 pages) disclosure data set taken from Relativity and was due at the High Court for a very public, press-worthy class action.

After sending our quote across, we were undercut by a large, well-known copy and print bureau. As far as we know, this particular print bureau have very little experience of dealing with legal documents, yet alone printing bundles from a litigation platform.
Of course, tempted by the low cost, the law firm went with the lower quote.

On Monday we received a call to say that the job hadn’t gone well – in fact they had nothing usable, and could we help? By this point, the timing was critical, and the price was no longer an issue!

We were delighted to help, and our team completed and delivered the project within the deadline, and beyond all quality expectations.

There is always someone who will do it cheaper – but at what cost?!

If you are looking for an experienced and reliable team to carry out your legal printing services, no matter the size, contact us at Altlaw today for a quote.