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5 reasons NOT to engage Altlaw

| Written by Altlaw

We all like to model ourselves as a ‘one-stop shop’, but the reality is that no two eDiscovery projects are the same and a ‘one size fits all’ approach simply doesn’t work. 

We want our customers to be happy that they chose to work with Altlaw, so to try and present a solution that just doesn’t solve a customer’s problem, or indeed makes their job more difficult, is not going to achieve our desired outcome, yet alone our customers’. 

So, when would we advise you to go elsewhere?

Transatlantic or Transpacific projects. 

Currently Altlaw do not have a global presence so if your project includes such a requirement for non-UK offices, it might be better for you to give a company like Epiq or Consillio a call.  

Forensic Investigations 

Whilst we do have 4 certified investigators on our team and Forensic Collection is one of our core services, we do not focus on Forensic Investigation and so we do tend to steer away from this type of work.    

If you require a platform that is not Relativity 

We now only work with RelativityOne, so if you require a different platform, we are unable to help you. 

Blue Chip Companies 

There are clients who are more comfortable working with one of the ‘Big 4’ consultancies and are happy to pay ‘Big 4’ prices.  Whilst Altlaw, with RelativityOne enjoy almost infinite scalability and capacity, whichever way you shake it, we are not a ‘Big 4’ consultancy; so, if your client is used to working with those consultancies, a call to us would probably be a wasted call. 

Third Party A.I and Machine Learning Products 

We believe that RelativityOne Analytics provide world class Machine Learning and Analytical capabilities for any project, however there may be a requirement or a desire to use a different tool.  Again, If this is the case, we cannot help you. 

For the vast majority of eDiscovery Projects, Altlaw would be a perfect partner for you. If you require clear concise, easy to understand pricing, an experienced and expert Project Management team and a trusted, long established name in the eDiscovery space, then we certainly are the company to work with. 

If you are interested in working with us here at Altlaw, feel free to contact us today and a member of our team will get back you, we are always happy to help.

Read how we helped a US law firm maintain exceptional security for their end client’s sensitive case data, despite all three parties being based in different continents.